Monday, March 16, 2009

Girls weekend!

Charlie's mom put on a wonderful girls weekend for all her girls. We went to a conference with Angela Thomas, which was incredible. Then had a fun girls night. Everyone brought a snack that began with their middle initial. Mine is "E" so I brought Popcorn and "E"m & "E"m's for our movie.

Anna and I came together and stopped at California Dreaming for dinner. we had the most amazing Spinach nachos for an appetizer... yummy!

Anna, checking out the menu

Me... Smile!

When we made it to Betty and Kyle's house we found Betty waiting outside for us. ---Thanks Betty! ; )   --- and we found Kyle in the sweetest shirt... it fit perfect with the start of our girls weekend!
It says "I love my wife" How nice right? Well apparently he doesn't leave the house when he wears it... well at least he wears it! Thanks Kyle for the girl spirit at the beginning of the weekend!

Saturday morning we stopped by the Flower's house to pick up Elizabeth (see the beautiful "baby" tummy?!) I had to snap his picture for Charlie. Notice Kyle's Socks and shorts... Charlie always finds this funny!

Thanks for a fun weekend Betty!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How fun!! I love your pics! Thanks for the fabulous company on the drive :)
