Friday, April 3, 2009

Charlie's Birthday!

Since we were out of town for Charlie's birthday I wanted to be sure that he had a celebration of some kind. 

I began by decorating the hotel room... 
And then making hotel "dirt cake". I packed up what I would need for it... oreo's, gummy worms, chocolate pudding snack paks, transformer cups, and candles. I picked up coolwhip at the store in Las Vegas and made the "dirt cake" in the hotel room. 
I sent Charlie to the penny slots while I decorated and made the cake. I crushed the oreo's in the ice bag and had fun singing to my hubby for his birthday! 
So cute! I guess there never will be a birthday without dirt cake!
I feel so blessed to be married to Charlie. He is an incredible husband and provider. 

I love you Charlie thank you for continuing to guide our Journey through life.


. said...

How cute and resourceful! :)

Cathy said...

Aww that is so sweet and too cute! Happy Birthday to your husband.



Betty Anne said...

What a good wife to be so resourceful to get him his dirt/worm cake! "You take the cake", Maggie!

Maggie said...

Thanks! It was so much fun to do.

6 of Four Creations said...

So fun! I love that you made him his cake. Very thoughtful and creative! I'm glad you guys had an awesome time!

Lauren said...

TRANSFORMERS!!! Heck yes :)
Keeping the tradition alive and well.