Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Much Needed Vacation!

For Charlie's 24th birthday I planned a getaway for us to The Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam and Las Vegas. This will be a series of posts so that I can use more of my pictures. There are so many to share. 

Anyway this is from when we first arrived in Las Vegas. After an almost painfully tight flight I was able to sit for a minute and regroup with much more personal space. 
I pulled out my camera and snapped the first photo of the trip: Charlie talking to the rental car people. Please note that he turned 24... not 25. 25 is the magical rent-a-car age and until you are 25+ they find you a risk and charge you more. But we knew that so no surprises.

Then it was time to turn the camera on myself. I'm cute I know. I was also quite tired since our flight did not leave Atlanta until after 9pm.
Midnight breakfast once we made it to our hotel. I think it was 2am local time before we were settled in (which would make it almost 5am at home)
More to come...

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