Monday, March 16, 2009

Bergen Parking.....

Does this look familiar to anyone? Some other people I know also park at the VERY BACK of the parking lot! This was the perfect spot for Charlie because it was by a curb that he could hop up on so no one would ding his truck...
Love you babe!


Lauren said...

love. it.

. said...

You'll certainly get great exercise! :)

Anonymous said...



Maggie said...

I do get my exercise!
I always feel like the girl on that commerical that parks at the back of the grocery store lot and everyone stops and claps for her... I am just waiting for the crowds to turn around and clap....

Cathy said...

ROFL I park like that BUT my problem is when I come out there is ALWAYS someone next to me!!! GO FIGURE!! That is too funny!! My kids and wonderful husband pick at me about it but that is ok :o)

{{Big Hugs}}
